In the GNM, pneumonia is considered to be what we call a “healing phase” which means that:
1. The biological conflict shock has been resolved and 2. The affected organ/ tissue, in this case the bronchi, are healing.
Of course traditional medicine sees this condition as a disease in itself and in some serious cases the patient may need to be stabilized in a clinical setting.
The origin of pneumonia
Dr. Hamer has found from his personal experience, as well as thousands of cases in his research, that the origin of pneumonia is what we call a “territorial fear” in men and a “nest fear” in women. As a matter of fact, in many cases there was also a fear of aggression of some kind involved. Of course the male territory and the female nest refer to our home and loved ones.
When we experience a DHS with respect to our territory or nest, our bronchi become affected with microscopic ulcerations. This will continue to various degrees until we solve the fear. When we resolve the biological conflict, the bronchi heal, swell and become irritated. This is when a cough will begin. However, this is a condition generally known as bronchitis which is also sometimes accompanied by other symptoms such as a fever, aches and pains that are commonly known as the “flu”.
The kidney collecting tubule syndrome
Pneumonia is a little different because it also involves fluid buildup in the lungs. What Dr. Hamer found was that the actual fluid buildup associated with pneumonia is the result of another conflict. However this is considered a conflict active phase. In this case we are once again looking at the kidney collecting tubule syndrome which I have talked about in my blog on other occasions.
When we experience a territorial fear, it is based on a threat to either our personal safety of the safety of our loved ones.
Let’s use the example of someone that has developed pneumonia as the result of finding a new home for the family. This is a good thing right? Then why did they become ill?
As I mentioned earlier, pneumonia is a healing phase, so we have to back track for a moment to understand what was resolved for the person that developed this condition.
The DHS (shock) for the patient was that he had lost his job and as a result the bank needed to foreclose on his house because he was unable to keep up the payments. The fear of course also involved a simultaneous conflict that typically affects the kidney collecting tubules. This would be a “refugee” conflict meaning he would lose his home and his family would end up on the street if he was unable to find something suitable or within his financial means.
This fluid build up during pneumonia is biologically designed to help us to “survive longer”
When we have a refugee conflict, a biological “survival mechanism” involving the conservation of fluid systemically is initiated. This fluid build up is biologically designed to help us to “survive longer” under circumstance which threaten our existence.
The fluid buildup we experience as a result of this survival mechanism complicates the actual healing phase that originally affected the bronchi, so what we are actually experiencing is a conflict active phase affecting the kidney collecting tubules on top of a healing phase affecting the bronchi.
Of course there are many other possible scenarios that can cause pneumonia, but the key here has to do with a fear or threat to oneself and or to our loved ones.