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The Iron Rule – Part I

April 27, 2020 Since my last 2 blogs were written some very interesting things have come to light that need to be shared and put into perspective. Hopefully by the end of this blog, you will also know why I chose this title. Most of what I had originally hypothesized in my last 7 blogs – Read the full article…

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The Iron Rule – Part II

Shortly after Dr. Hamer made his findings public in the early 1980’s a “new disease” was discovered. It was called HIV/ AIDs and it became “epidemic” in the gay community globally. To really understand how this took place and how it is very much like what is happening now globally, I will make a comparison. – Read the full article…

Sick Boy Child

The Iron Rule – Part III

Voodoo spell From my observation and experience in the GNM, when someone is told they will die soon if they “do nothing” they fall under a “voodoo spell” involving their mortality. Every ounce of their being is affected because they are led to believe that their time is limited. As a result, the patient that – Read the full article…


The Iron Rule – Part IV

  May 9th, 2020 There is so much happening at the moment that it is difficult to fathom, never mind digest it. However before I continue I have to make a few things clear so that you really understand what is going on and how long this has been planned. People that don’t understand the – Read the full article…