Part 2 – The Cancer Sequence
When we look at “metastasis”, there is always a sequence that the spreading will follow. I will outline one of the most common cancers so that everyone can understand how this happens.
Bowel cancer
The bowel can develop either flat growths or nodular growths and this is determined by the exact nature of the “indigestible anger” regarding the morsel. The morsel is what we need to survive, so it can be a conflict involving money, property, insurance, a pension, or even a job. It can also be something that we wanted to have but were unable to get.
This is a manifestation that grows during the conflict active phase and then stops growing when the conflict has been resolved. When the “healing phase” begins, the patient will feel tired, hungry and will have difficulty getting to sleep. However, they will notice blood in the stool or possibly have a black stool if the mass is higher up along with some bowel function irregularities such as diarrhea or constipation.
Unfortunately given these symptoms it is in the healing phase when the mass has stopped growing that the patient is diagnosed.
On the diagnosis the individual has his second shock, which given the nature of the diagnosis will affect the liver parenchyma and they will develop liver nodules as a result. Why specifically the liver? The reason that the liver responds to a “starvation conflict” is that on an archaic level the individual understood that a bowel blockage leads to starvation. In other words food will eventually no longer go in or out of the system and as a result they will starve to death.
Liver cancer
A few weeks down the line they will be diagnosed with liver cancer. However, if they have surgery and the growth is removed they will feel safe again and the liver nodules also stop growing.
Another possibility is that the individual experiences an “attack against the abdomen” which will also develop into a “serous” mass or caking of this particular tissue in the abdominal cavity.
This is also something that will develop during the conflict active phase. However when the patient comes to terms with their diagnosis and the healing phase begins, the growth is arrested and fluid will begin to fill the abdominal cavity. This condition is called “ascites”.
This fluid is usually manageable and does not need to be removed unless the patient in the meantime has had an “existence” conflict meaning that their kidney collecting tubules were in “fluid conservation” mode in order to help the individual survive longer. The fluid in such a case justifies removal but then other complications can develop because this is a “vital fluid” that is removed from the body and it takes a great deal of energy and resources for the body to replace the elements that are contained within this fluid. As a result the patient is weakened more and more each time the fluid is “managed”.
I’ve blogged extensively on this particular “survival” conflict so please read “The Art of Surrender” for more information.
Unfortunately ascites in traditional medicine is seen as an “end stage” cancer process and then all they can do is try to make them more comfortable by removing the fluid and administering opioids which quickly leads to death.
Lung cancer
The other possibility is that because the individual has been given a death sentence, that they will develop lung nodules as a result of a “fear of death” conflict. These also grow during the conflict active phase and stop growing when the conflict is resolved.
Mild coughing along with night sweats which will begin at dawn are a clear indictor of a resolved lung conflict. This is something that will develop when the individual is told that they only have a short time to live and that they should get their affairs in order.
Hopefully everyone now has a good idea of how a cancer can spread according to what Dr. Hamer discovered.
The big question is if we are in all these healing phases why do so many people die of cancer?