Capitalizing on a Tragedy Part II – Truth is stranger than fiction
October 29th 2022
In my last blog I spoke primarily about the personal agendas of the “players” in the forefront of the GNM and that they would stop at nothing to get ahead. They really don’t care about preserving Dr. Hamer’s work in its original state. It’s about their own agendas and visibility.
Personally I have kept a low profile in order to do my work. The more visible I am the busier my practice becomes and then I cannot manage it. I’ve never had to advertise because my patients are happy and refer others to me. As it is I am booked 6 weeks ahead of time and work until 9 PM weeknights. Sometimes it gets to the point where I have to close the door and not take on new patients for a while just to make sure I am there for the others. I refuse to prostitute myself for the sake of some attention but it looks to me like this has been the case all along with the others in the GNM world. I have no idea why these kinds of people are attracted to the GNM, perhaps they need to direct attention to themselves in order to solve something.
I have avoided interacting with these characters because my intuition prevented me from engaging. If something was “off” I stepped back. For example some months ago I got an e-mail from someone that claimed he wanted to put me in the limelight. I ignored it because I know it’s really not about me or the GNM it’s about them and they want something from me. So I step back. However this guy was persistent and he kept e-mailing me. Finally I replied and said thank you, but no thank you I have a very good marketing manager that knows the GNM and what I am comfortable with. He backed off.
As it turns out he surfaced recently as “Michael the gut guy” who has started to do podcasts on the GNM. Unfortunately he is at the same mercy as the others and is unable to get the right information from the internet to be able to truly grasp the intricacies of Dr. Hamer’s work. He joined my Facebook group and we had to boot him off because he used my group to create visibility for himself. The big problem was that he spoke about GNM but really didn’t have a clue and I only allow correct information to be posted. He has many followers because he appeals to a large audience that has a very common issue. The danger in that is that he doesn’t really understand the GNM and was saying things that were complete nonsense. I suggested that he begin by taking the “GNM for Everyone” courses through my institute web site www.gnminstitute.com to get some solid information.
In a podcast he tried to explain the phenomenon of constellations which is highly complex and if you don’t know what you’re doing can work against the patient rather than aiding them to recover. Constellations are what cause schizophrenias and mental disorders. In this particular podcast he said that when the relay to the rectum tissue is active with conflict, it affects your hormones. This is because what he sussed out on the internet is wrong. I get that a newbie won’t understand but to attempt to go out into the public and spew out this nonsense with no solid foundation, to me is unconscionable. Where he got this information I don’t know, either way it is incorrect.
The big problem is that his source of information is exactly the same source of information that Andi Locke Mears, Melissa Sell, Nellie Barnett and many others in the GNM Community have used which is Caroline Markolin’s web site. It is full of errors and stuff that is not from Dr. Hamer.
Her lack of understanding the intricacies of Dr. Hamer’s work is shocking for someone that at one time professed herself to be “the most knowledgeable on the GNM next to Dr. Hamer”. This went on the record. People are PURPOSELY led to believe she is a credible source of information.
There is some history here as well that no one knows about Caroline Markolin. This goes back right to the beginning of when she launched her original “German New Medicine” web site around 2004 not long after she took the week long course with Dr. Hamer when I received a “certificate of attendance” from Dr. Hamer with Caroline Markolin’s name on it.
Of course I contacted Dr. Hamer immediately and asked why it was sent to me and he said “I wanted to make sure that you knew about this, she begged it from us. We don’t issue certificates of attendance normally”. Shortly thereafter Markolin used it on her web site claiming that she was the only one that had this in Canada because Dr. Hamer entrusted her with passing on the information again misleading the public.
When I mentioned this to Dr. Hamer he immediately said “I’ll be happy to send one to you” but I declined. It seems ridiculous to me especially if it’s meaningless.
Then there are those that took my courses and began to do their own thing. Let’s take Danny Carroll for example who took my “Intermediate” courses a few years ago and as it turns out he’s a bit of a character as anyone would attest if they have met him. He ran with the GNM. He offered to sponsor the translation of Dr. Hamer’s book on breast cancer which I thought was fantastic. I put him in touch with Dr. Hamer’s widow, Bona to make it official. After a few weeks the translations began to come in, and my, oh my, it sounded like the person that took the job on just put it through an online translator. It was shocking.
Needless to say that project didn’t work out so he started another project with a different translator. Although his translations were somewhat improved, but still with many errors in interpretation of what Dr. Hamer said, the translator took it upon himself to rename it to GHK! So you think this is an “inside job” yet?
Of course this didn’t fly with Bona or myself never mind the serious misinterpretation of some crucial facts in the book. It demonstrated that their loyalties lay somewhere else and that unless every word was proofread the translation could not be trusted.
This second translator was Andrew Schlademan who also translated Bjorn Eybl’s version of Dr. Hamer’s Scientific Chart. It is clearly a “rip off”. This rip off has since become the GHK bible!
I think I should give you some very important context here to understand what preceded this.
Some years prior to Dr. Hamer’s death Eybl took courses with Helmut Pilhar and then went out to publish his own version of Dr. Hamer’s chart which included what Dr. Hamer described as “kitchen remedies mixed with his own embellishments”. It was blatant theft of Dr. Hamer’s intellectual property. Hamer took him to court because these were very clearly copyright infringements and a plagiarism of his work. The unbelievable part of this was that the court ruled against Dr. Hamer!
Not long after that Eybl made his newly translated English version of Dr. Hamer’s chart available for FREE. The GHK community gobbled it up and it has become their “bible”. This is their primary source of reference. What is interesting about Eybl’s book is that he was able to advertise it in mainstream magazines, whereas Dr. Hamer’s publications were disallowed. What does that tell us? It tells us that slowly Dr Hamer’s work is becoming distorted and it is the distorted version that is being supported by the mainstream. With the help of the GHK group the true GNM stands to disappear altogether in it’s original form.
But wait it gets even more shocking and this is the most important thing to know that has not been disclosed by the GHK group.
Some months before Dr. Hamer’s death Helmut Pilhar suggested to Dr. Hamer that he “bury the hatchet” with Eybl because HE thought Eybl had something to offer! What he meant by that I will never know but that caused a massive rift in their relationship which was never mended. Helmut in Dr. Hamer’s eyes had now betrayed him.
How is it possible that Helmut now agreed with and tried to get Dr. Hamer to support a distorted version of his own work?
This is on the record by the way because Helmut in his first vlog just after he left Austria to live in Paraguay, admitted to all of this and believed that his actions were responsible for Dr. Hamer’s stroke a few weeks after their falling out in 2017. Needless to say Helmut’s reputation took a nosedive in Europe after Dr. Hamer’s passing and he had to find new ground. Bona refused any more dealings with him.
Andi Locke Mears marketed Pilhar shamelessly as “Dr. Hamer’s successor” without disclosing any of this in an attempt to gain a stronghold in the English GNM community simply because Pilhar taught the GNM in Europe years ago under the roof of the “University of Sandefjord” which lasted only a very short time. When I mentioned this to Bona, she scoffed. Pilhar at the same time began to blacken my name in the German community. He knew I was close to Dr. Hamer for 18 years, however our paths only crossed in early 2001 when I was working on the translation of the “Summary of the New Medicine”. So what was his agenda?
Around the same time, John Holledauer targeted me in order to get a stronghold in the English speaking community. Surprisingly he’s collaborating with the least knowledgeable of that GHK Global bunch, Melissa Sell but no longer calls it GHK. They have gone back to “German New Medicine” and have discarded “Germanic”. Others belonging to the GHK community have done the same. We have a massive mutiny!
I didn’t think it could get any worse, but here goes…both the Pilhar Academy and the Academy Germanische Heilkunde run by John Holledauer and his new “partner in crime” Melissa Sell are now offering “financial incentives” to anyone bringing in new students.
Andi Lock Mears seems to be using a pyramid scheme to bring people into the GHK courses! It’s so convoluted I can’t make sense of it, and I’m good at math.
What is interesting is that Pilhar’s widow Erika and Giovanna Conti who goes wherever the wind blows, are also now collaborating with Mears’ GHK group. I truly feel sorry for Erika because since this fallout with Dr. Hamer, her husband’s actions have lead to life changing decisions that ultimately not only lead to the demise of his status in the GNM world but also to his death.
I’m sure by associating with Andi Locke Mears she is only trying to salvage what she can of Helmut’s memory. However the big problem is that she is now forced to associate herself with people that have their own agenda, and have never done the work to elevate their GNM knowledge, never mind use any kind of filtering system before they give their answers to people that ask them questions.
It’s shocking how disrespectful they are to the meticulousness of Dr. Hamer’s work. In my next blog I will present “evidence” of how poorly Dr. Hamer’s work is presented in the “GHK” world.