Part 3 – Why does a cancer patient die?
It’s commonly believed that when a person has been diagnosed with cancer, death is very near. For the most part it is this particular belief that becomes a self – fulfilling prophesy.
There are many fallacies around cancer that need to be broken down and how a cancer patient actually dies.
Naturally when one is diagnosed with a cancer, for example a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and she dies, the cause of death is listed as “breast cancer” when in fact, the breast really had nothing to do with the cause of death.
The problem is that people don’t question this, they just accept it without understanding that the breast is not a vital organ and that when it becomes diseased, the breast cancer itself will not be life threatening.
So, why and how does a breast cancer patient die?
I’ve already mentioned in part II of this blog that there is a sequence of shocks that are responsible for the demise of a bowel cancer patient. Breast cancer is no different.
Let’s look at the breast cancer “sequence” of metastasis. It is very similar, and all very local to the original diagnosis, in other words, in close proximity to the breast.
To understand this better, try to imagine what a woman experiences at the moment of such a diagnosis. In today’s world it is a shock of great magnitude because she is affected on so many levels especially if she is still young and possibly unmarried.
First, she can develop a “self – devaluation” conflict close to the breast itself, and here we are looking at the lymph located in the axilla, meaning under the arm.
At that moment, there is a degeneration of cells called necrosis in the lymph which will continue as long as she is in deep conflict. However as soon as she comes to terms with the diagnosis and perhaps if she has had a lumpectomy, the lymphatic tissue goes into repair and an enlargement develops.
If she is still young and especially particular about her appearance, she may develop “amelanotic melanomas” on the mastectomy scar or if she has not done anything and the breast lump has perforated the skin she will develop a “disfigurement” conflict because she is no longer perfect in her appearance.
Unfortunately traditional medicine sees all of this as metastasis and the alarm bells go off again. The next possibility can be twofold where she goes into a “cancer fear” conflict affecting the lymph in the mediastinum and neck.
These “lymph” are not really the same cellular structure as the lymph in the axilla, but do behave in a similar manner.
Again, as long as she is in conflict the tissues degenerate (ulcers form internally in this case) and it isn’t until she has the “all clear” that these tissues go into the repair phase and she will develop nodules on her neck and possibly in the clavicle. In a very large mass conflict the lymph in the mediastinum (chest cavity) can also enlarge.
At the same time she experiences “an attack against the chest” where the pleura (comprised of 2 membranes) which surround and protect the lungs, will develop microscopic cells in between the membranes in order to protect the chest cavity from attack.
Of course in this case the attacker can be the cancer or it could be the surgical knife if the patient fears surgery.
Here again, during the conflict active phase there are no symptoms, however when the patient comes to terms with this breast cancer process, fluid will fill the space in between the membranes of the pleura and she will be diagnosed with “pleural effusion” if her breathing becomes difficult.
If this fluid is removed and tested, these microscopic cells will be seen as the cancer spreading when in fact this is a biological form of “self – protection”.
This is potentially a life threatening situation especially if she is in “survival mode” and her body is retaining fluid. Being in survival mode will activate another conflict involving the kidney collecting tubules which compromises this particular healing phase and the patient may need to have it removed.
This is the same process as “ascites” that the bowel cancer patient can potentially experience. However without the “kidney collecting tubule syndrome” the pleural effusion involves minimal fluid that does not need to be removed and eventually as the biological program runs its course, it is resorbed by the body.
I’ve personally witnessed a cancer patient be diagnosed with 5 litres of pleural effusion and when she found the conflict that put her into survival mode, peed it out within 2 weeks! Needless to say her doctor was speechless.
Then of course if there is nothing but decline during their cancer process, the individual can develop bone lesions in the sternum, ribcage or upper spine, as the result of feeling a sense of “impotence” or a “self – devaluation” with respect to what is happening specifically in that part of the body. All this is happening on the same side local to the breast that was diagnosed with cancer.
If by chance she goes into a healing phase of the bone cancer she will develop pain from the stretching of the skin around the bone and then be given “pain management” which involves primarily opioids. She will sleep more, stop eating and eventually not wake from the opioids.
This is the primary cause of death in the majority of cancer patients.
Then of course there is always the “fear of death conflict” which will develop into pulmonary nodules.
Does this sound familiar?
I’m sure the next question you are asking is “how can we avoid this death sentence associated with cancer?”
The answer is easy. Arm yourself with GNM knowledge and if you are recently diagnosed, work with a qualified GNM consultant to “decipher” exactly what your body is expressing.
A word about the “kidney collecting tubule syndrome (KCTS).
When we go into “survival mode” and our existence is threatened all healing phases become more exaggerated. If the lymph in the axilla have enlarged, we can develop a condition called lymphedema which in this case can mean a dramatic swelling of the arm.
If the bone is healing, the skin around the bone will stretch more during the re calcification process and the pain can become serious especially from sundown to sunrise.
When there is pleural effusion or ascites, the fluid in the cavity will increase.
If the patient has chosen not to have surgery to remove the breast lump, the breast swelling can increase dramatically.
It is for that reason that we must understand the actual cancer process and how a cancer “spreads”. Our survival depends on the true knowledge around these Special Biological Programs (SBP’s) that nature has blessed us with. These programs are not given to us to “take us out” they are given to us to increase our chances of survival when a biological program is unleashed.