Rowen S

Thanks very much for making training available by webinar. I’ve taken many classes before on other subjects through webinars, but the format you used was the best (it helps to be able to see the instructor). I’ve been hoping for some time to be able to get training on GNM, other than introductory type such as what I got in PA. a couple of years back. At one time I was ready to sign up for a seminar in Canada but travelling such a long distance was the deterrent, along with the additional expenses involved.
Since this webinar, I know Dr. Hamer’s book is going to be much easier to “digest”. I’ve studied several modalities in regards to traumas etc. and Dr. Hamer has the best scientific foundation, and with the knowledge you have, I’m encouraged, Lord willing, that I may have opportunity to utilize this information in a positive way to help others.