Do or diet?
As the year comes to a close, many of us begin to make New Year’s resolutions. Some of us resolve to exercise more, stop smoking, drinking alcohol and some of us are looking to lose some weight, in which case we try to detox and change our diet to more wholesome foods free from chemicals .
Some people actually change their diets dramatically to become raw food vegans, go on water or juice fasts or do a detoxification programs to kick off the New Year. Those are all good things to consider especially this time of year when we have taken a couple of weeks to “rest and digest” and a few more pounds have been added.
However, in some cases, this may not be a healthy thing to do especially on the long term. On the contrary, it may devastate someone suffering from cancer.
In alternative medicine it is believed that cancers are the result of poor eating habits, chemicals, environmental poisons and processed foods. They have even gone as far as to convince people that eating sugar is responsible for cancer.
That is wrong.
Anyone that has had exposure to Dr. Hamer’s research knows that a shock is responsible for the onset of cancer, and that some cancers begin to grow from the moment of the shock and some will only develop at the time that the conflict shock was resolved.
So, where does diet come in?
We have been led to believe that raw diets can reverse cancer. In fact, we have been led to believe that a “clean” body cannot support growing cancer.
That is wrong.
There are clinics treating cancers strictly with diet and I have to say, from what I’ve observed, their “track record” for patients recovering from cancers is just as poor as it is for patients taking conventional treatment.
The biggest problem stems from the belief that detoxing the body will help a patient recover so the patient remains on the diet because they have been brainwashed into believing their cancer will spread even though they are steadily losing weight and vitality. The question is why are they not thriving if this is a good thing?
First and foremost, we must remember that when someone is in a conflict active phase, they will lose weight. The reason is that the stress phase takes more energy from the person. Consider someone with a liver cancer or pancreatic cancer where they have not found a resolution to their conflict. These two types of cancer are usually discovered when there has been a dramatic weight loss. Does it make sense to put them on a raw food diet or a juice fast? Any sensible person would say no, however this is precisely when some practitioners will say it is necessary.
This is NOT part of the GNM healing philosophy.
Recently I heard of a clinic in Brazil who claimed to “specialize” in GNM and take patients into care for their particular treatment philosophy which meant a strict vegan diet, based practically entirely on raw foods. One patient in their care sought a consultation with me and I have to say I was shocked when I saw the results. This was a liver cancer patient who after only one month on their dietary recommendations had emaciated to the point of no return. This is NOT part of the GNM healing philosophy.
When we are dealing with cancers, especially those that are glandular in origin (adeno carcinomas) they should never be put on a strict diet while the cancer is actively growing or if they are in a healing phase where it has stopped growing and they are experiencing night sweats.
As I already mentioned during the conflict active/ stress phase, there will be weight loss. However, in some cases there can be weight loss when they are in a healing phase.
The reason it can happen in a healing phase has to do with the kind of cancer the patient has been dealing with. Adeno carcinomas in particular are subject to specific mycobacteria when the patient enters into the resolution phase of their conflict. In other words the tumor has stopped growing and is now going through the degradation phase with the help of TB mycobacteria. When this takes place, the patient will experience night sweats which will begin around 4 or 5 AM. These night sweats will last anywhere from days to weeks and in some cases months.
This is not the time to implement strict dietary measures
When someone is going through this process, it requires specific nutrients, especially protein, or the patient will emaciate and die. This is not the time to implement strict dietary measures such as a raw vegan diet where they do not get any protein. The body in this case has little or no resources to support the process because it had already gone through a certain amount of depletion during the conflict active phase.
Another important thing to remember is that we are all individuals with different nutritional requirements. Some people naturally thrive on vegan or vegetarian diets but do not do very well with animal proteins. Others lose weight and vitality rapidly when they eliminate proteins from their diet even though they may not be in a conflict active phase.
So what is the difference? I found some answers in the individual’s blood type, but that is a topic for another blog.