The art of surrender
In this Article I will cover what it means to surrender to a diagnosis. When we have a diagnosis of a serious illness and don’t understand Dr. Hamer’s Five Biological Laws, at that moment we are vulnerable to experiencing a conflict-shock. Since it was a conflict-shock (DHS) that was responsible for the diagnosis, it is – Read the full article…

Eczema – A separation conflict
It has been a very hectic fall season for me with very little opportunity for blogging. However there have been a few requests for blog topics that are of interest to my GNM students that finally, now that I have most of my other duties out of the way, I am able to address starting – Read the full article…

In the GNM, pneumonia is considered to be what we call a “healing phase” which means that: 1. The biological conflict shock has been resolved and 2. The affected organ/ tissue, in this case the bronchi, are healing. Of course traditional medicine sees this condition as a disease in itself and in some serious cases the – Read the full article…

Music soothes the soul
Those of you following the GNM may already know that Dr. Hamer has recently directed his attention to music therapy and has written another volume of more than 700 pages on the subject, which also includes his personal research and detailed case histories. The findings are quite astounding. However, in order for someone to fully – Read the full article…