
COVID-19 Part V – The Agenda

I have to say I was never a conspiracy theorist until I entered into the world of GNM. Having known Dr. Hamer personally and hearing his stories about everything he had to endure as a “medical heretic and dissident”, not to mention all the attempts on his life, there had to have been something to – Read the full article…

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COVID-19 Part VI – What is wrong with this picture?

March 30th 2020 Over the course of the last three months, much has come to light with respect to this so called pandemic. I believe more people are becoming aware that this is the result of the hype and misinformation that has been willingly perpetrated by the media and orchestrated by a handful of people – Read the full article…

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COVID-19 Part VII – Connecting the dots

“Viral” videos As you can imagine I’ve been getting information from all around the world and I thank everyone that has contributed. It has been immensely valuable in helping me to understand this phenomenon and finally seeing it for what it is all about. German doctors speak up Over the last few days, videos and reports – Read the full article…

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COVID-19 Parte I

28 febbraio, 2020 Nel corso dell’ultimo mese ho ricevuto innumerevoli e-mail che mi chiedevano di cosa trattasse la “pandemia” di COVID-19, quindi ho pensato che sarebbe una buona idea blog sull’argomento piuttosto che spiegare a cosa è inclinata la GNM ognuno che ha posto la domanda. Per fortuna un amico mi ha inviato alcuni link – Read the full article…