COVID-19 Part II Testing for a virus
Of course knowing all of this prior to the “outbreak” of the so called corona virus I had to look at what kind of testing methods that are used to confirm that an individual actually does have the virus. I was not surprised when I found through my research that there were already testing kits – Read the full article…

COVID-19 Part III – A Little Science
March 19th 2020 Since I wrote the last 2 blogs the world seems to have gone mad. There is so much hype and unnecessary panic globally that it has boggled my mind. Yes you heard right “unnecessary”! Those of you that understand Dr. Hamer’s 5 biological laws know what I mean, but at the same time – Read the full article…

COVID-19 Part IV – Statistics in Perspective
March 20th 2020 Since my first blog on this topic I have kept a close eye on the statistics related to so called “infected people” and those that have died during this outbreak and I have to say some very interesting facts have emerged. Of course during this time I have received countless reports from everywhere so it has – Read the full article…

COVID-19 Part V – The Agenda
I have to say I was never a conspiracy theorist until I entered into the world of GNM. Having known Dr. Hamer personally and hearing his stories about everything he had to endure as a “medical heretic and dissident”, not to mention all the attempts on his life, there had to have been something to – Read the full article…