GNM Terminology
In the last blog I talked about laterality. Today I would like to clear up some of the new GNM terminology that we use.
Most of the new GNM terminology can be found in Dr. Hamer’s diagram of the second biological law, “The Law of Two Phases” so I will begin with that. As a matter of fact, Dr. Hamer has allowed me to use the diagram for my logo on the home page of the GNM Online Seminars web site as well as my original web site www.newmedicine.ca.
The DHS an unanticipated event
The first new term involves the moment in time we have a biological shock or unanticipated event. Dr. Hamer has called this event “Dirk Hamer Syndrome” in honor of his son. Dirk died tragically at the hands of the Italian Crown Prince in 1978.
This unanticipated event was the biological shock responsible for the development of Dr. Hamer’s testicular teratoma. We now use the abbreviation DHS to represent that moment in time the conflict shock occurred.
From the moment of the DHS we go into the first phase which is called the Sympathicotonia. This is the stress phase which will continue until you resolve what occurred at the DHS. We experience this phase naturally during the day to various degrees and it lasts from sunrise to sundown. However, when we have the DHS, the stress is amplified and spills over into the night time phase when we should be getting rest.
The actual term “sympaticotonia” refers to the simultaneous involvement of the “sympathetic nervous system” which reacts the moment that we are in a stress phase. Along with this stress phase, we have a set of symptoms which indicate that we just had a DHS.
Conflict active phase
This stress phase, or “conflict active phase” as we like to call it in the GNM, is also known as the “cold phase” because of all of the related symptoms, like cold extremities, poor appetite, waking at 3 AM and elevated blood pressure just to name a few.
This is the phase where we will develop organic changes such as certain cancers known as adenocarcinomas or functional disturbances such as an MS or diabetes. It is also in this phase that a mental disorder or psychosis will present itself. However in the case of psychosis there are other criteria that need to be fulfilled before it will develop.
Vagotonia the healing phase
When we solve the DHS, we automatically go into the second phase, the Vagotonia which means that the vagus nerve has now been activated along with the parasympathetic nervous system to “rest and digest”.
The vagotonia naturally occurs in the night time and takes place between sundown and sunrise. However, when we resolve a conflict we have entered into the “healing phase” which has now crossed over into the day time phase. We will experience this on a 24 hour basis until it runs its course.
Here we experience the “hot phase” and the accompanying symptoms include warm extremities, good appetite, and normal blood pressure and in some cases, inflammation and fever. However in this case we will have trouble getting to sleep until around 3 AM. Approximately 60% of all our so called diseases including some types of cancers will present themselves in the healing phase. A good example of a healing phase is the onset of the flu.
Conflictolysis (CL)
This changeover from stress to healing is called the Conflictolysis which means that we have released the conflict. In the diagram it is represented by CL.
PCL phaseA, “post conflictolysis”
The CL brings us into the first half of the Vagotonia or “healing phase” which we call PCL phaseA, which refers to “post conflictolysis” meaning after the conflict release or resolution.
Epileptic/ Epileptoid Crisis (healing crisis)
The next step in the healing phase is the Epileptic/ Epileptoid Crisis, which can be a serious event depending on what part of the brain/ organ that was affected by the DHS.
PCL Phase B
This event is actually a “healing crisis” and is necessary in order to successfully go into the PCL Phase B, the second half of the Vagotonia. Otherwise we get stuck and never fully go through the healing phase.
This healing crisis is a necessary event if we are going to completely heal. As a matter of fact, nature has organized this in such a way that this turning point is our way back to normalcy or Eutonia, where our symptoms abate and we feel well again.
To simplify the GNM terminology:
DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome) = the moment of the unanticipated conflict shock
Sympathicotonia = the (cold) stress phase
CL (conflictolysis) = conflict resolution
Vagotonia = the (hot) healing phase
PCL Phase A = the beginning of vagotonia and the first half of the healing phase
Epileptic/ Epileptoid Crisis = the “healing crisis” which occurs in the mid-point of the vagotonia
PCL Phase B = the second half of the vagotonia or healing phase which can only be achieved by going through the Epileptic/ epileptoid crisis
Eutonia = normalcy
SBS = Special Biological Program – which should actually be named “SBP”, however the translator of the chart into English neglected to consider that the abbreviation changes with the translation. We hope to set the record straight on this with the next version of the Scientific Chart.