Trees for the forest.
I got my first nosebleed the moment I arrived home from conducting my first New Medicine seminar. Of course I realized that it was a healing phase of a conflict that had to do with something or a situation that “stank”. In those days, I did not have very much experience in the New Medicine – Read the full article…

Tracks that trigger.
Tracks act as triggers or reminders that keep a condition chronic. Imagine all the elements that we experience at the moment we have a DHS. There are literally billions of bits of information flying at us that very moment. Thankfully not all those bits will register or we would be in trouble! The bits that do – Read the full article…

Bugs, Germs and Cooties
I’m sure most of you that are around my age….ah, 39 ish, know what we mean by cooties. It’s a reference we used in childhood to “being exposed” to something that can make us feel yucky or even sick by touching someone else. Kids very cruelly referred to someone having cooties if they didn’t like – Read the full article…

The HH – Hamerschen Herd
The abbreviation HH refers to the GNM new terminology “Hamerschen Herd”. If we break this down into English then it simply means “Hamer Lesion” which describes the target ring configuration Dr. Hamer discovered when looking at catscans (CT’s) of the brain in his very early years after the discovery of the “The Iron Rule of – Read the full article…